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Steklasa's unshakeable focus did much to maintain the integrity of the show.
~The Sydney Morning Herald
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LIED ME! short film by Jerica Steklasa
"Kennst du das Land?"
More info:
The Highlight of the year 2020/2021 for Jerica Steklasa is a special video project LIED ME! by International Liedzentrum Heidelberg, supported by the International Music Festival Heidelberger Frühling. Ms Steklasa had the opportunity to create and shoot her video idea in October 2020 - she sang and filmed Wolf's song "Kennst du das Land".
The video release: June 25th 2021
For more information about the project visit:
3rd International Haydn Competition for Classical Lied and Aria
In May 2021, Jerica Steklasa was awarded with Prize for the Best Lied Interpretation at International Haydn Competition

L'impresario delle Canarie
D. Sarri, P. Metastasio
26. April 2021, 19.00
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